Tokens of Gratitude: My Country

2016-02-21 16.35.30-2

“I am a Filipino
And when all else fails, I am not and
will never be ashamed of what I am.
Go discriminate us. Do your best in trivializing us.
At the end of the day, your words won’t make God love us less.”

*Google image


I am a natural born citizen of a country full of hospitable people and a land abundant with natural resources. Truly, Philippines can be considered as one of the most beautiful countries in the world and even mentioned in the Bible. Kindly check this article here.

I would always thank God for allowing me to be born in this wonderful country. And I would always be proud to be a Filipino.





This may be late since it is already Sunday. This should be posted yesterday as a commitment for a weekly journal of thanksgiving. I blame it to my busy schedule this week but at least I was able to do it. May we all have a great month!

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