Why Am I Writing?

* I don’t own the images

I don’t consider myself a writer, I cannot even align myself with people who is really good in composing grammatically correct sentences with eloquence in speaking their minds and hearts. I wish I am. I know I can improve in time but forcing myself to be one is not in my vocabulary. Not that I don’t believe in myself, but because I know who I am and I know what I am capable of.

Why am I writing? What motivates me  to pursue this kind of craft? One of the reasons, of course, is to express my thoughts and feelings. But the quote below summarizes it all:

Writing is an important avenue for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your own reality. – The Courage to Heal

I do understand that if I am not going to write about my life and experiences, about my thoughts and feelings, who would? If there’s someone in this world who knows exactly what’s inside my heart and mind (aside from God, of course) it would be me. Oftentimes than not, other people may even deny, trivialize, and distort facts in their favor. There’s more to writing than merely speaking our minds and hearts. As I’ve mentioned with my previous posts, it is sharing a part of my soul. It is making others understand me deeply and personally. It is an antidote for stress and a source of joy and happiness.

How about you? Do you agree with what I say about writing? What are your thoughts about this? I am so excited to read your comments.

20 thoughts on “Why Am I Writing?

  1. This is a lovely post. Writing can mean so much more than just expressing thoughts, it conveys more than a picture can and it can transport us to another world. And yes, it’s also a tool for healing.

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  2. I write to clear my head. Kind of like making a shopping list on paper frees up room to concentrate on other things without worrying.
    Thank you for the thought-provoking post. 🙂


  3. I think you have touched on some of the reasons I write. I’m not good at it and probably never will be but it is empowering to put words on the screen and have others read them and get to know me in a personal way.

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    1. Thank you! The primary reason why I write is I feel a sense of inner peace during the process. It releases the tension, detoxifies my soul, there is really a therapeutic effect in me when I’m writing.


      1. I haven’t tried it, not even once. I may need to challenge myself but I believe it would be fun. Thank you for the invite, I’ll check on that.


      2. I hope you will give it a try and if you decide you don’t like it then you don’t have to participate anymore. I find that it’s a lot of fun, challenging, and addicting. If you follow that site, you will receive one post per week (if you choose to receive the post by email) – which is the challenge post – and no other posts. I don’t want my participants to be bogged down with unnecessary email. Great way to meet people and make friends! Nice meeting you.

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